From Morbidly Obese To Multiple World Record Holder

Tuesday July 02, 2024

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I was a whopping 116kg, obese, deeply hungover, emotionally and mentally unhappy, 9 months out of the Navy, disgraced, depressed, and done.

It was the morning of Christmas Eve, 2005, and I was 26.

I'm tough and I love you

Monday June 03, 2024

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Grandad always told me to be grateful for the things I had, for life itself, my health, and the ability to use my body. He was a “use it or lose it” advocate.

A podcast about neutralising emotion ( Energy in Motion ) and synthesising not polarising our feelings.

Being successful being bipolar

Tuesday May 21, 2024

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2014: The Burpee Ten Thousand World Record

4627 reps of burpee broad jumps over 8.5km and 22.5 hours in 32–35 degrees of humid heat in Cairns.

In the challenging words of Henry Ford, “There is no man living who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can do.”

A podcast for the strugglers out there.

Disco Danny JMT Coach

Tuesday April 16, 2024

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Jamie chats with new JMT Coach Disco Danny about himself and all things Hyrox.

JMT Warana are introducing Saturday 0700 Hyrox training sessions from the 27th, with the intention of a further Thursday evening session from May. Very exciting considering the upcoming event in Brisbane August 7th.

Members get involved, non members welcome.

Checkout the Hyrox gig here:

Jo Price Coaching

Saturday March 30, 2024

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Meet Jo Price. His fitness journey began at the age of 16, after being told point blank by a recruiter for the Armed Forces that he was "too fat to join".

Fast forward two years and he'd completed 8 months of British Army Infantry training, in which he achieved the title of "Best at Physical Training", as well as "Best Overall Recruit".

He went on to spend 12 years in the Army, 8 years of which as a Physical Training Instructor. During this time he conducted numerous overseas operations, conducted UK anti-terrorism activities, and worked as the lead Strength & Conditioning coach for the rugby, boxing and judo teams.

In addition, he has also had the privilege of conducting hundreds of hours of coaching/teaching S&C, CrossFit, and Nutrition to a vast array of individuals, ranging from World Record holders, to grandparents, to the average busy mum and dad.

The ladies from THINK Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Friday December 01, 2023

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Had one of the best chats this morning with Shan Clayton & Leanne Davis of THINK Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Think Coaching & Hypnotherapy are two empowered women who empower women. They’re the real deal. They don’t pretend to be anything other than who they authentically are.

When people work with them, they gain the support of someone who has walked a tough journey in this life, conquered the proverbial demons, and lived to tell the tale. The ladies work in regional and rural Australia and support women, men, and teens from across Australia, from the cities to the country, working online via Zoom.

They offer a free, no-strings-attached enquiry call that can easily be booked online:

If they’re not the right fit for someone, they’ll happily refer to someone within their broad network who will be.